Billie and her 5 brand new Brownies!!

On Saturday, March 16th, Mz Billie and Mr Zeke became the Proud Parents of 5 adorable Havana Brownies. 

Billie is the very best Mamma ever, with Nursing continuing to send her into Kitty Nirvana. 

And the 5 Starz: they are gaining multiple grams of growth each day - and opening their eyes - and learning to crawl and wander around - and how to squeel/screech whenever Mamma is needed NOW!!! 

They are a delight and a joy, and they are becoming "real" right before our expectant eyes. 

Interested in adopting your very own Baby Brownie?!?!?

ALL 5 of the New Brownies!!

One of the New Starz; 4 days old!!